[RULES] Read them.
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[RULES] Read them.
- General Rules:
Post in the relevant section of the board.
Posts not put in the right area of the forum will be moved; if the offender continues to make this mistake, they will be warned via PM. If they persist, they will be either warned or banned.
Respect all members of the board.
Members of any rank (whether new or veteran) are to be given the same degree of respect. Rudeness of any kind (deliberately provocative or insulting posts; harassment, personal attacking and baiting) unless it has been officially classed as harmless will not be tolerated, and immediate sanctions will be dealt. Take into consideration too that we have younger members on this board, so understand that they will not immediately take things in the same context that an older member would. Blanket statement: be nice, otherwise sanctions are in order.
Be civil at all times.
While debating, remain level headed. Be cautious with your words; you have the freedom to say what you want, not the freedom to be an insulting and detestable jerk. Respect others points of view regardless of the topic. We hold the right to remove any offensive content without notice.
Language. Be meaningful.
Unless done for appropriate humorous effect, no AIM/MSN/text messaging posts. Swearing is allowed, but in moderation; if used in excess, you will be warned. Inappropriate use of slurs and other offensive terms will not be tolerated.
No spamming, trolling or advertising allowed.
Spam is to be removed by staff, and the member is to be dealt with by PM. This covers any kind of posts which is off tangent to the topic at hand and short/one word posts. If your posts indicate that they are made for the role purpose of increasing your post count, you will be sanctioned. Trolls will be warned or banned (immediate bans can be dealt without prior warnings). Linking to a relevant site is allowed, as is using your signature to promote your personal site (adverts may be edited or removed dependant upon the site content, these edits are made at the staff member's discretion). Full topics devoted to promoting other sites are not allowed, unless they have been verified by the staff or bear direct relevance to the forum and its community.
Illegal content is absolutely prohibited.
You should be aware of what is legal and what isn't by now. No links to pornorgaphy, hacks, cracks, free movie/music downloads, etc. Immediate warnings are to be dealt for members who breach this rule.
No multiple accounts.
If you have another sibling who may use the same computer as you, inform the staff as soon as possible. Multiple accounts are only allowed for members who have siblings in the same household, and you are to ask the staff of this beforehand. If you are caught utilising more than one account, you will be banned immediately.
Do not mini-mod/backseat mod.
If a member breaches a rule, report this. Moderators are here to take care of the situation. If you take the situation into your own hands, you will be sanctioned. This is especially the case if you continue to scold a member through restating their offences - this constitutes as spam.
Finally, you have common sense - use it.
In all honesty, this shouldn't even require being a rule, but every once in a while, people seem to not grasp the concept of common sense. The rules will not cover every instance of an offence to happen, so use the common sense that you possess as a human being to understand that not every situation will be handled "by the book". Most problems can be solved by abiding by the rules and applying common sense where the rules are not covered. - Staff
Respect the staff.
This ties in with the first rule on respect for everybody else. Love us or hate us, our decisions are final. If you have a problem with us, do not turn it into a manifesto; take it up privately. Show respect for us, and we'll give the deserving kindness and respect back to you.
Follow the rules all the time so you won't get banned or suspended.
No talks or discussions of personal lives.
There should be no discussion of your personal lives or anything concerning about your family, cousins, etc.
Be kind.
If someone is requesting something, do not answer it with a rude tone.
For example, Can I buy your Metal Driger? No way!
You can always answer it like this, "No, I'm sorry but i'm not selling it. - Warning System
We have 5 states of warning - Normal, Verbal Warn, Warning Lv 1, Warning Lv 2 and Banned.
Upon registering, you are given the status of Normal. No offences and a clean slate. If you commit a minor offence, you will be warned verbally (this will usually take place in the topic where the offence happen or privately via PM). Your status will then be changed to Verbal Warn.
If you continue to act out of line, or do an act that the Staff considers to be above minor, you will be pushed onto Warning Lv 1. This remains for a minimum of 1 month and maximum of 3 months of the status change, and is only removed if improvement is seen in your behaviour. This can range from baiting members into ban-territory situations, to general rudeness towards other members, to lack of regard for the sprite rules and disrespecting the staff. This is the rule of thumb area - it is up to the Staff member at hand or Administrators to use their own discretion and decide if you are warned.
Lack of improvement in your behaviour or repeat offences lead to the Warning Lv 2. From the moment it is set, it lasts for a minimum of 2 months and has no maximum set time. It will only be lowered after considerable change has been recognised by the staff in your attitude and behaviour.
Further offences leave you Banned. The time period of the ban is dependent on the degree of the offences committed up to that point - it can be 24 hours, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month or even an IP Ban. One large offence on Normal can bring you to the point of being Banned, so do not think that you need to progress through the levels in order to reach this punishable stage.
In the time that you are excluded from the forum, for whatever reason it is, we expect you to reflect on your actions and improve your behaviour. If we do not see said improvement upon your return, you will be re-banned with a lengthier sanction of time. - Signature and Avatar Dimensions
Signature: 700 x 150
Avatar: 200 x 200 - Welcome and Goodbyes
You can only have 2 threads; A welcome and a goodbye one.
Mods please merge the other topics. - Deleting accounts without a reason (for Admins)
Following the incident about jason_47 (deleting Ultimate Blader's account), I have decided to do this. There are only a few excuses to make this legit.
1.If the member wants to leave the forum.
2.If the member has seriously violated rules.
Any Admin who breaches this rule will lose his/her admin status and will be banned IMMEDIATELY - No Flooding
There will be no flooding in this forum. You can post up to 3 consecutive times ONLY. - Fake Prducts Rule
No advertising or promoting of fake products of any kind. Should a User do this will he be quickly be given a warning.
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