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  • 20111216
     Global announcement:
    • General Rules:

      Post in the relevant section of the board.
      Posts not put in the right area of the forum will be moved; if the offender continues to make this mistake, they will be warned via PM. If they persist, they will be either warned or banned.

      Respect all members of the board.
      Members of any rank (whether new or veteran) are to be given the same degree of respect. Rudeness of any kind (deliberately provocative or insulting posts; harassment, personal attacking and baiting) unless it has been officially...

    by Gokuatruehero - Comments: 1 - Views: 3544
  • 20111216
     Announcement: • [ Poll ]
    I am officially opening the new BBPH Forum. As always, I encourage everyone to read the Rules. So, Welcome back! Have a good time and I hope you enjoy your stay! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    By the way, how do you like the new forum?

    by Gokuatruehero - Comments: 3 - Views: 1369
  • 20111218
    Hi guys! As you may have noticed, at the bottom part of our forum, there is a category named "Galaxial Thunder RPG". Now, you may be asking, what the heck is this? Am I right? And yes I am. The Galaxial Thunder RPG is our own Play-by-post Role-playing game, where you create a character of your own and command it, making it go around the RPG. One more thing, we have our own timeline. So, go out there, create your character, do your best and defeat everything that comes in your way!

    I encourage all of you guys to create your characters and start posting! I hope I'll be seeing you around!...

    by Gokuatruehero - Comments: 0 - Views: 1175
  • 20111223
    Hello, as you may know, we have tried the "Awards System" on the last forum and I guess it worked. So, this time, I'm planning on bringing them back! Very Happy So go to your profiles, look for the "Beyblades" and add these links! More to come! By the way, cheating this will get you banned.


    by Gokuatruehero - Comments: 2 - Views: 1242
  • 20111223

    by Gokuatruehero - Comments: 0 - Views: 1318

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