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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:18 pm

Sean was practicing and minding his own business. After an hour he was still not breaking a sweat. "Hmph, I need to battle someone." he said. He went throughout the city looking for a worthy blader. Many gangs challenged him but he beat them without even trying. "This is so boring!" He complained, "why aren't there many strong bladers here?" He went around the city while his bey is spinning. After an hour or so he just went back to practice. Hydra was still spinning fast around 10000RPM he, Hydra's patience is wearing thin, but Sean still went back to training

WC: 101
SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:24 pm

As Hans was passing around the side walks of the busy city, he sees a teenager, holding his launcher and ripcord, and his bey spinning on the ground. "Heh. Another beyblade match." he stated. He reached into his pockets and grabbed Tundera, but after seconds, he released Tundera from his grasps. He was starting to notice that this guy looks like somebody he had seen before. Who is this person? He has a scar. Wait, he's the guy that defeated Hans! "Hey!" Hans shouted.

WC: 84
TWC: 185

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:30 pm

"Hm?" Sean noticed, "It's you again. Come here to lose a second time?" He grabs Hydra and he puts it on his launcher. "Get ready" Sean stated, "'Cause you're gonna Have another beatdown! GOOOOO SHOOOOOT!!!" Hydra was launched and is headed straight for Hans.

SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:39 pm

This time, Hans hesitated to launch his bey towards Hydra. Instead, he dodged Hydra. "Wait-!" shouted Hans, but was stopped by Hydra heading straight for him. In a flash, Tundera was ripped. It clashed with the Titan Hydra. "You're not beating me again!" shouted Hans. Galaxy Tundera's tip suddenly changed! It's movements became more aggressive than before, adding Tundera's White Lightning attack. If this hits Hydra, it will be over. He'll get weak.

WC: 73
TWC: 302

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:14 am

Hydra and Tundera collided, when the dust cleared Hydra is still spinning at the same speed, so is Tundera."I don't care how your beyblade's power can defeat me, YOU'RE STILL GONNA LOSE!!! ATTACK HYDRA!!!!" shouted Sean. Hydra charges at Tundera at a stunning velocity. With that much speed, you wouldn't even see it move. "Wait! Go to defense mode Hydra!" Hydra suddenly stopped and stood it's ground. "I'll let you attack this once, just to be unfair."

SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:31 am

The ground shook due to the fact that Tundera was in it's full power. The Flat tip and it's advanced move, the white lightning, is in place. Since Sean's Hydra stopped, Hans took the chance and tried hitting Hydra with his White Lightning Attack at full force! The white lightning started gaining speed and moments later it will clash with Sean's blade, taking it out. "Say goodbye!" shouted Hans.

WC: 96
TWC: 506


Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:47 am

The dust cleared and Hydra was gone. Hans shouted with joy but, Sean laughed as if Tundera already lost BIG TIME. "HAHAHA, do you really think you can beat me that easily?" Sean asked, "Hydra is gone, that's true, but look behind you!" Sean pointed behind Hans, Hydra was there. "Ya see, I made my Hydra jump onto that building and bounce off it to make it land behind you. Now Hydra, jump and destroy this BEYBLADE!!!" Hydra jumps and is falling, blade first, to Tundera

SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:08 am

In an instant, Tundera exploded with tough energy, even though Hydra didn't touch him yet. It just so happens that Hans already charged up a Thunderous Gale attack in order to counter Hydra's instant movement. The fact that Hydra jumped towards Tundera makes the attack more powerful because it will go head to head. "Now Tundera! Finish this battle!" shouted Hans.

WC: 61
TWC: 653

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:37 am

Hydra was almost an inch from Tundera, until it changed its course, but the lightning still hit Hydra. "NOOO!!!" At that instant, Hydra hit the ground. After the dust cleared, Hydra stopped spinning. Tundera got off-balanced but its still spinning.(sorry sometimes i do something without even knowing)


Last edited by SA Blader on Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total
SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:40 am

I'd point out that you are again godmodding. Verbal Warning will be given next time you do this again. EDIT your post. Fighting is give and take. But all you've done is give. Read this again.

OOC: It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes dude. Smile

The dust cleared up, as Tundera was standing in the center. The people surrounding them were amazed. Hans had managed to beat the guy who took them down with one release. "Had fun Sean?" asked the panting Hans. He grabbed Tundera and sat down on the bench.

WC: 47
TWC: 740

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:09 pm

"Heh, okay I admit defeat." said Sean "I guess you practiced harder than me." Sean grabbed Hydra and started walking toward Hans. "You won this battle. I guess were even. Anyway see ya later." Sean walks away, clutching Hydra. Sean whispered something to himself. A he is walking other bladers part to make way.

TWC: 794
SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:17 pm

Hans smirked as Sean admitted that he was defeated by his own fault. But, as he admitted it he started walking away, and eventually, bid good bye. "Wait, why are you doing this?" Hans asked. "I am looking for members. Wanna join my team?" asked Hans. He stood there, waiting for an answer.

WC: 53
TWC: 847

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:27 pm

Sean turns back and starts walking to Hans." I accept. Besides, battling with a teammate is better than battling alone. I think." Sean and Hans shake hands and becomes teammates.

SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by Gokuatruehero Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:48 am

"We'll be battling with some great ones Sean." Hans grinned, while shaking the guy's hand.

Hans recruited Sean! Sean is now a member of the Thunderbolts!

WC: 15
TWC: 892

OOC: You're the one to end your topic. Hans gains 476PL!

Last edited by Gokuatruehero on Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

Post by SA Blader Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:39 am

"Heh, looking forward to it." said Sean, while grinning wickedly.

Sean gained 451PL!
SA Blader
SA Blader

Reputation : 1

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[PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad! Empty Re: [PRIVATE] Too much practice is bad!

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